Continuing Education Requirements

  • Must be a member in good standing with the Academy of Surgical Research by submitting membership dues yearly.
  • A minimum of 15 CEUs per 24-month period is required to maintain a single certification. There is a limit of 8 CEUs for in house training. You need to have CEUs from other sources.
  • If an individual wishes to maintain dual certification (SRA along with either SRT or SRS), then 15 CEUs must be submitted yearly with each certificate being renewed on alternate years. The CEUs must be earned in the year immediately preceding the renewal to assure that separate CEUs are being earned for each certificate.
  • Document all activities that apply on the CEU Form and return the completed CEU Form by December 31st of the second year of your 2 year renewal cycle. Include supporting documentation (see below).
  • All certificates will be issued after December 31st but prior to January 31st of the following year if all requirements are met.
  • The subject matter must be relevant to surgical research (anatomy, physiology, analgesia, anesthesia, surgical techniques, radiology/imaging, minimal invasive techniques, emergency techniques, regulations); no credit shall be earned for business or management seminars. The acceptable categories are identified below.
Number Activity CEUs Earned
1. Lectures at ASR Meetings 1.5 CEUs per hour of attendance
2. Lectures (Other than at ASR Meetings) 1 CEU per hour of attending surgical related lectures/presentations
3. On-line courses RACE approved credits, or 1 CEU per 2hrs
4. Lab 2 CEUs per hour of participation
5. Speaker/Presenter 4 CEUs per hour of presentation
6. Lab Instructor 3 CEUs per hour of participation
7. First author of published paper / poster 5 CEUs per published paper / poster
8. Other than first author 3 CEUs/per published paper / poster
9. First author of a published paper in the ASR official peer reviewed journal “Surgeries” 10 CEUs per published paper
10. Other than first author in the “Surgeries” Forum 6 CEUs per published paper
11. Review of surgery related article 1 CEU per article
12. Active participation (in house training) 4 CEUs per procedure
13. Surgery related article for ASR Surgical Savvy 2 CEUs per article


  1. Certificate of attendance or completion.
  2. List of presentations or online courses attended signed by your supervisor or manager.
  3. Copy of presentation, course outline, paper, poster, or article.
  4. Summary of article reviewed.
  5. For active participation procedure, please submit a narrative of the procedure learned, number of procedures done and signed statement from the trainer verifying your competency to perform the procedure.

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