Afternoon Wet Lab – Vanderbilt University
Christine Siebert2024-03-18T04:28:34-05:00Intermediate swine procedures and rat microsurgery and catheterization techniques
Intermediate swine procedures and rat microsurgery and catheterization techniques
Nose Cone vs Intubated Ventilation During Open Chest Surgery in Rats – Nina Krutrök, AstraZeneca The aim of this study was to investigate if nose cone ventilation is comparable to endotracheal intubation. The latter is the most common approach for air delivery to rats undergoing open chest surgery for cardiovascular research during for example induction of myocardial infarction or epicardial injections. This method of air delivery is technically challenging leading to prolonged procedures and increased risk of endotracheal complications such as laryngeal damage and laryngeal edema, oral pharyngeal and/or tracheal laceration due to multiple intubation attempts. Nose cone ventilation is a [...]
Basic swine laparoscopy and endovascular interventions paired with an introduction to stereotaxic, intrathecal surgery, and vascular catheterization in the rat
Introduction: Although monitoring of vital signs in small lab animals is critical to successful anesthetic outcomes, reliable measurement of the vital signs is challenging due to their size. To this end, we are developing a miniaturized optical imaging device based on the Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) technique for noninvasive measurement of the brain and peripheral tissue oxygenation and perfusion. Our goal is to develop a device to support safe and reliable anesthesia monitoring in small lab animals to improve animal welfare, ensure successful outcomes, and create reproducible research, which will ultimately aide in better knowledge of the living systems to enhance [...]
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