The Academy of Surgical Research (ASR) was founded in 1982 by forward thinking scientists who were concerned about incomplete communication across the disciplines of surgical investigation.
Since that beginning, ASR has promoted the advancement of professional and academic standards, education and research in the arts and sciences of experimental surgery.
Central to the mission of the Academy is to promote the humane use and treatment of animals in research and to prevent their use when other means can meet the scientific objectives.
Today the Academy focuses its efforts to achieve its goals in four key areas:
- Certification
- Annual Meeting
- Publications
- Networking
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In 1990, the Academy identified a need within the industry to establish a high standard for experimental surgery and developed a series of certifications to recognize individuals working within those standards.
Now, institutions around the world have adopted these certifications as a resource to ensure their employees are properly trained in experimental surgery and anesthesia.
The Academy has three levels of certification:
- Surgical Research Anesthetist (SRA)
- Surgical Research Technician (SRT)
- Surgical Research Specialist (SRS)
Complete information on the certifications of the Academy can be found at Course & Certifications
Annual Meeting
The Academy hosts an annual meeting each fall in varying locations across the U.S. Education at the event comes in a variety of formats including scientific lectures, technician roundtables, and a full day of hands-on wet labs. These wet labs have proven to be extremely valuable and are one of a kind experiences that ASR continues to offer to its members.
The annual meeting breaks down barriers between colleagues around the globe and provides a platform to discuss and share best practices in surgical research. Attendees of the annual meeting have a great deal of diverse surgical research experience, facilitating the perfect atmosphere for cross-specialty consultation and accessibility to expertise. The concerns approached, questions answered and experiences shared in conversation between members of all backgrounds (scientists, technicians and veterinarians) at the annual meeting has strengthened science. Furthermore, the connections created by attendees do not end when the meeting concludes – long lasting support and best practice sharing are a hallmark of ASR and its members.
Surgical Savvy is published twice a year. Members of the Academy are invited to participate and earn CEUs by electronically submitting short articles about surgical techniques, anesthesia, surgical patient care, equipment, novel ideas, practical, useful methods, and even sharing surgically related stories or experiences that can provide insight and knowledge for everyone.
Members can connect with the ASR community through social media on LinkedIn and Facebook. As mentioned previously, conversations typically do not end when the annual meeting has concluded. Members are reachable by email and are always happy to connect.
The Academy also offers a Mentorship Program to further enable ASR members, both new to the profession and seasoned individuals, to grow and lead as effective professionals by providing meaningful one-on-one relationships.
In conclusion, membership in ASR provides:
- A forum to learn from your peers and experts in surgical research
- Opportunity to apply improved methods to the animals you work with
- Certification that legitimizes your surgical skills to agencies such as AAALAC and your clients
- A platform to pass on your own knowledge for the benefit of surgical research
To learn more about the many benefits of membership, contact us at
To download a copy of our Membership Justification Letter for your employer, click here.
Membership Categories
Individual Member
Any person who has made significant contributions in the field of experimental surgery and demonstrated interest in promoting surgical research shall be eligible for active membership. Such members may vote, hold office, and participate in the business and activities of the Academy.
Associate Member
Full-time, degree-seeking students and residents in a training program actively involved in surgical research are eligible for Associate Membership. Associate members have the same privileges as active members excluding journal subscription. Applicants must provide verification from an advisor / mentor.
Key Member Benefits
Awards Committee:
Responsible for solicitation and consideration of candidate nominations for a variety of awards.
By-Laws Committee:
Consider and report on issues pertaining to the by-laws of the Academy.
Certification Program Committee:
Provides oversight to all facets of the SRS, SRT and SRA certification program. Must be SRS certified to be on this committee.
Communications Committee:
Responsible for the Surgical Savvy newsletter and content of the website.
Exhibitors Committee:
This committee oversees all aspects of the annual trade show.
Membership Committee:
Develop and execute membership development campaigns.
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Program Committee:
Responsible for promotion and review of scientific papers for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Academy