
Unbreak My Heart – The Reality of the Future? Regenerative Cardiovascular Research with Focus on Minipig Model


Speaker - Nina Krutrök AstraZeneca   After myocardial infarction (MI) patients lose up to 1 billion cardiomyocytes. The inability of the injured mammalian heart to regenerate the loss of contractile myocardial tissue leads to ischemic heart failure (HF). Despite major advances in the treatment of HF, the root cause of impairment is still unaddressed. Human Ventricular Progenitor cells (HVPs) engraft, differentiate into cardiomyocytes, and prevent disease progression after -MI-in the murine and porcine heart.1, 2 In our research we aim to study the effect of HVPs as a new modality in a post-MI pig model. Methods: Myocardial infarction was induced using [...]

Unbreak My Heart – The Reality of the Future? Regenerative Cardiovascular Research with Focus on Minipig Model2024-03-18T04:28:36-05:00

Refinement of Rat Vascular Access Button Implantation in Minipigs


The importance of refinement does not need to be discussed; however, it is equally important to share the advances made with the community. At times individual refinements might be small and of little impact but over time they add up and improve a procedure considerably. In this presentation, the advancements of surgical procedures performed in Göttingen Minipigs over the last few years are summed up and discussed. Implantation of Rat Vascular Access Buttons: This procedure was introduced with a poster at the 2018 ASR meeting. In the meantime, I have standardized the procedure with catheters in the jugular vein have implanted [...]

Refinement of Rat Vascular Access Button Implantation in Minipigs2022-09-27T11:17:24-05:00

Refinement of Minipig Surgical Procedures


The importance of refinement does not need to be discussed; however, it is equally important to share the advances made with the community. At times individual refinements might be small and of little impact but over time they add up and improve a procedure considerably. In this presentation the advancements of surgical procedures performed in Göttingen Minipigs over the last few years are summed up and discussed. The following procedures are addressed: LVP Telemetry by left sided Thoracotomy: This procedure has ben refined in a way that with larger Minipigs only one incision is necessary. With other adjustments we brought down [...]

Refinement of Minipig Surgical Procedures2022-12-20T07:54:34-06:00

Ameroid Band Constrictor-Induced Arterial Occlusion Simulates Peripheral Vascular Disease in a Porcine Model


Introduction: Gradually tightening vascular occluders such as ameroid constrictors are used to model chronic ischemia and may recapitulate human ischemic disease pathophysiology and atherosclerotic plaque progression better than acute ligation. Ultrasonic power Doppler (US-PD) imaging uses Doppler sampling and filtering techniques that significantly increase the sensitivity and specificity of routine sonographic instruments for imaging spatially disorganized patterns of peripheral perfusion without contrast enhancement. Objective: To compare sensitivity of US-PD with dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) techniques for measuring endothelial function and determining vascular perfusion. Methods: Four 6-month-old, castrated male, Yucatan minipigs were operated. A~9 cm incision was made in the [...]

Ameroid Band Constrictor-Induced Arterial Occlusion Simulates Peripheral Vascular Disease in a Porcine Model2022-09-27T10:16:24-05:00

Coronary Sinus Dosing in Swine, Anatomical Considerations in Comparison to Human Anatomy


Introduction: Routine cardiac catheterization for angioplasty and stenting has created a large population of patients with cardiac damage and subsequent long-term heart failure. Cardiac therapies are often administered directly to the heart by methods such as coronary sinus retrograde infusion. Understanding the differences in human and swine coronary sinus anatomy is crucial in preclinical safety studies, particularly for biodistribution evaluation. Contrast/ Dye studies aid in determining coronary sinus anatomy and catheter placement in the heart. Methods: Under general anesthesia, 9f or greater sheath was placed via jugular vein cutdown on three Landrace/ Duroc and two Yucatan swine. Using fluoroscopic guidance, a [...]

Coronary Sinus Dosing in Swine, Anatomical Considerations in Comparison to Human Anatomy2022-09-23T14:55:59-05:00

Wet Lab #2: Introduction to Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques in Swine – Afternoon Session


This amazing facility provides us with the opportunity to instruct on minimally invasive surgical techniques in the swine model. Students will get the opportunity to perform endoscopic, laparoscopic, and fluoroscopy-guided endovascular procedures. It is not very often that we have had the opportunity to provide instruction using fluoroscopy and we are very excited about this lab! Anesthesia, proper handling of the equipment and instruments needed to perform these procedures will be mentored, along with specific techniques and tips for each. This wet lab would not be possible without the generous donation from Premier BioSource. To learn more about their new barrier [...]

Wet Lab #2: Introduction to Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques in Swine – Afternoon Session2022-09-27T10:17:16-05:00

Wet Lab #1: Introduction to Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques in Swine – Morning Session


This amazing facility provides us with the opportunity to instruct on minimally invasive surgical techniques in the swine model. Students will get the opportunity to perform endoscopic, laparoscopic, and fluoroscopy-guided endovascular procedures. It is not very often that we have had the opportunity to provide instruction using fluoroscopy and we are very excited about this lab! Anesthesia, proper handling of the equipment and instruments needed to perform these procedures will be mentored, along with specific techniques and tips for each. This wet lab would not be possible without the generous donation from Premier BioSource. To learn more about their new barrier [...]

Wet Lab #1: Introduction to Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques in Swine – Morning Session2022-09-27T10:17:16-05:00
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